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10 Ways to Lose Weight Fast- weight loss Remedies

Whether you are teenager, youngster, employee or parent, you are always concerned about your weight. Obesity is one of the common health problem nowadays which is affecting thousands of people around the globe. Nothing else, but modern lifestyle and junk foods are the leading cause of obesity. Obesity is a condition where there is an excess storage of fat in the body. Obese person also carries the higher risk of developing other health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and gall bladder disorders. There is simply no shortcut magic which can make you slim in few days that’s why for people it seems difficult and sometimes impossible to lose weight. You may think that only exercise and eating less can reduce your weight but there are also some magical home remedies which can help you to get back in your dream world of having slim and healthy body. Here, we are going to tell you the top 10 weight loss remedies which can speed up your weight loss plan.

Lemon juice

lemon juice for weight loss

Lemon juice is considered best home remedy for weight loss. It helps in digestion and aids detoxification. Healthy digestion is important for weight loss as it helps your body to get the essential nutrients required to burn fat. It also removes the harmful toxins from the body that slows down your metabolism. You can mix honey to add flavor in lemon juice and drink it empty stomach for at least 3 months for losing weight.

Aloe Vera

aleo vera for weight loss

Aloe Vera is considered good for treating obesity because it stimulates the metabolism, increases energy consumption and mobilizes unused fat in the body. It removes toxins from the digestive system and colon. It also contains natural collagen proteins that make the body work harder in order to absorb the proteins. Simply scoop out the pulp from aloe leaf and mix some orange juice to add flavor or water. Blend it for some time and drink it for some months daily.

Green tea

green tea for weight loss

Most of the persons may know about the amazing fact of green tea of weight losing. It slows down weight gain by limiting fat absorption and increasing the body’s ability to use fat. Further green tea is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc, selenium, chromium and other trace minerals. If you really want to lose weight, drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily to combat obesity. You can also combine it with ginger and pepper.

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Unfiltered and raw apple cider vinegar is another powerful remedy for losing weight. The actual weight loss benefits are still unknown but some studies have shown that it protects you from obesity. It helps to breakdown the fat and hence prevents the accumulation of the body fat. You can drink it by mixing with water.

Curry leaves

cuury leaves for weight loss

Eating 10 curry leaves daily early in the morning works as great ayurvedic remedy to deal with obesity. The leading problem of nowadays diabetes is also caused by obesity so curry leaves can protect you from both problems. Continue this treatment for at least three to four months to maintain a healthy weight.

Cayenne Pepper

cayenee pepper for weight loss

It can also control obesity and aids in weight loss. It contains capsaicin that stimulates your body to burn fat and increase energy expenditure. In addition, it stimulates digestion and suppresses excess appetite.

Cinnamon tea

cinnamon tea for weight loss

Obesity is also caused by high blood sugar level because it affects how hungry and how energetic you are. If your blood sugar level is balanced, your body will be more apt to use fat rather than storing it. Cinnamon tea helps to maintain blood sugar level and prevents you from obesity. Simply drink it 1 to 2 times in a day for several months until you see improvement.

Rose Petal water

rose peatl water for weight loss

Rose Petal water is one of the refreshing drink ever. It acts as a very gentle diuretic. It encourages you to drink more and keep your system flushed clean and hydrated. Staying hydrated, believe it or not can be hugely beneficial to losing weight. You need to put some rose Petal water in a pot and cover it tightly until the Petal lose most of their color. Strain the liquid in the jar and keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. After that drink one cup of it every morning.


honey for weight loss

Honey is also considered as a best remedy for losing weight. The benefits of honey are endless and it has a healthy glycemic index, hence it does not get absorbed into the body all at once like sugar. It works fast in burning of extra fat. You can add honey in warm water and drink it every morning with empty stomach.

Sage tea

sage tea for weight loss

Sage tea is another one of the amazing home remedies for weight loss. One of the leading cause of stress in today’s world is stress. Under constant stress, your body releases some hormones that affect your blood sugar level and leads to storage of fat in the body. The best way to reduce the negative effects of stress is by calming the body with the natural sage herbs.

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